Thursday, July 19, 2007

Death by Blog Meme

Getting tagged with a blog meme is a love/hate thing. On one hand, since most of them are left-over teenager "Truth or Dare" games, they're a PITA. On the other hand, if nobody ever tags you, then you start to feel left out. Proof that some of us never seem to leave junior high school.

Anyway, Chris Garlington over at my new blog discovery (and not un-ironically named) "Death by Children" got sucked into agreed to play along when he was tagged by themolk and decided to spread the misery over here. This is an interesting meme because instead of asking for your favorite ice cream flavor or to pick random embarrassing fact about yourself, this meme has one pick five posts that you feel identifies, or gets to the core of your blogging. For me, this is interesting because this blog barely even has five posts; I started this as an offshoot of my Masonic blog, The Tao of Masonry, when I started getting the itch to write about things that are a bit off the Masonic path. With that in mind, I'm going to list posts from both blogs.

In no particular order:

Marriage, Memorial Day, and the Kobayashi-Maru
For anyone who's ever gone shopping without a safety net.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Part 2
I'm not crazy about flying. But I certainly prefer flying to falling out of the sky.

Auntie Em! Anti-M!
In which I finally admit to the secret world-wide Masonic konspiracy." (One of my favorite posts)

Guarding the West Gate
Was Freemasonry really better in the "old days"?

Master of My Domain
What I did wrong - and how it was okay in the end - as Master of my Masonic Lodge.

I'm not sure if these are my best writings, but I think that they are all good examples of what I'm trying to do here.

No blog meme is complete without the tagging, of course, so I'm picking on:
Burning Taper, Pagan Temple, John Ratcliff, Chris, and Christian Ratliff


  1. I guess I have to play along huh? :) What's the there a code to copy in, or just post about it on my site?

  2. Just post them on your site - the five articles that you think most identifies you and what you're blogging about. A little description with the link would be great, or even some background as to what you were thinking at the time.
